Dustin Weicht
Dustin Weicht is a 24 years old passionated producer and musician who played in several bands and created many different songs in various genres over the last years. Until know he is working on his career through different projects within the live industry and developing his skills as sound engineer in his own production studio.
About me
Dustin Weicht is a perfectionist, who loves to fulfill and create music by his emotions and ideas. Mainly influenced by the success and progressively thinking mindset of his family and his surroundings, his strong connection to music was already created in the young years of his life. Self-fulfillment and the drive to create something on his own were one of the first paths he chose to reach, particularly in playing the guitar. Over the years he evolved a passion to the modern style of metal music and all its subgenres. While he always loved and acknowledged good music and techniques he still was never interested in playing and covering songs of somebody else, but in creating his own style and funny guitar riffs influenced by the many different styles he listened to. By producing the first own self-titled demo with his band in 2015 and delivering influences on the first professional produced single “Cough and Splutter“ in 2016, Dustin also created an important connection to the sound and the production of music itself. The leadership abilities and his time management, as well as a huge impact of self-efficacy characterized the workflow of the whole band particularly at the production process of all songs, until the band decided to break up in 2017.
Between 2017 and 2019 Dustin studied sound engineering and music management at the Deutsche Pop in Cologne. Flashed by the opportunities in the area and excited about his former achievements he decided to expand his study programme for one additional year in England at the University of West London. In November 2021 Dustin has been awarded the degree of Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honors having followed an approved program in Music Technology.
Different from other producers, Dustin has a strong connection to the composing process, which he developed over the years with "Seekers" as their guitarist. His mind, based on the strong musical knowledge he earned, is focused on crystalizing the musical key elements of every melody and part within a song. These skills combined with his knowledge as a music technology specialist and sound engineer helps a lot by analyzing and recognizing the sound and the meaning of how a musical key element has to be hearable and to stand out in a mix, making every contract to a much more emotional artistic product, based on the artists vision and the realized music.
The professional know-how of recordings techniques and its editing process, as well as the experiences, of how audio-signals in different genres are working with and has to be mix and mastered combined with his musically path deliver the perfect understanding of both, the artists and the engineer side. Many musicians like Max Giesinger, West Bunch Live, Milk and Sugar, Neo Marks, Anaïs, Jeanne Alfteld, Pop Sofa, Ben Black, The Notorious Ghetto Dance Gang und many more has been mixed live by himself.
Until now, Dustin has some own musical projects in the genre around progressive metalcore, technical deathcore, classic and pop music, he working on. Developing his skills as producer and musician lead into more and more complex and professional artistic peaces.
His most impressive and meaningful project called "Implications" has its starting point in the metal area.
In the following is a playthrough of his song "Synaesthesia".