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Production Process

From start to finish a perfect song begins with a great tone. The right feeling and the right tuning leads into a fundamental base which can be improved very well and in many ways through the mixdown process. The right mixing and mastering fulfill the magic to get the the vision of the artist by creating a huge and exciting sound.











I have experiences in tones of different music genres. Whether at recording full and acoustic instruments or programming outstanding ensembles via experimental sound design with real recordings or synthesizer modulations. With professional modern digital and anlog equipment everything is possible from di-matching technology, mid/side multi band compression, astonishing effects with multi delays and reverbs or just enhancing the loudness of your track by using maximizers and limiters from high-end manufacturers like Universal Audio, Waves and iZotope inc.

Recording/ Programming

Until now I am in the creation process of building my own studio and developing it more and more in terms of producing and recording music especially in recording large and exotic instruments independently. Thats why I am actually dealing at the moment more with the professional recording and re-amping of digital audio signals of instruments and developing sounds with dsp technology modulations.


Besides that, only vocal recordings are part of my actual program. Experiences in tracking tight hip-hop lines, angelic pop and jazz vocals as well as huge metal screams are only some fields of expertise.

In terms of ideal acoustic treatments I currently not recording instruments with larger sound pressure levels above 90 dB.

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Bildschirmfoto 2023-04-16 um 07.32_edited

Therefore I specialized myself in programming and creating sounds via various modulation plugins and virtual instruments from companies like UVI, iZotope, Submission Audio and Native Instruments.

The benefits in using these method are cleaner tracks with a lot of potential in generating the ideal tone you are aiming for, especially in terms of for example getting phenomenal orchestra ambiences or atmospheric brass ensembles.

 Drum Automation.png


Editing is useful especially in getting recordings tight to the beat. Whether in studio situations or on live recordings in the post production process. With different tools like the RX-line of iZotope various improvements can be done in getting clear and detailed recordings for the mixdown process. 

Live Performance 1 (edited, mixed & post produced by Dustin Weicht)Vanilla Junction
00:00 / 01:21
Live Performance 2 (edited, mixed & post produced by Dustin Weicht)Vannila Junction
00:00 / 01:33
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Nowadays mixing became the main process of a production chain. While in the past the recording lead into the main vision of a song, mixing has evolved in several steps especially in sound design and creating different tones through modern technology. 

Digital Audio Workstations like Logic Pro X, Luna or Protools deliver various tools to enhance the clarity, the overall sound and the spatial graduation of recordings. Transient-shapers, m/s multi-band compressors, intelligent 3d room generators, pitch shifting techniques and many more give me the possibilities to imitate and create exactly the same sound as you want and know from your favorite artist.

Mixing DI recorded Guitars
Mixing with Neutron
Mixing with Protools Studio
Multiband Compressor of Ozone 10 advanced
Editing and Mixing with Protools Studio
Mixing with Autotune
Mixing with Audio Plugins

Furthermore mixing evolved to a key element in finishing songs and adding the last exciting transitions of getting a specific ambience and effect for a composition. This could be for example a gerne typical sound like 808 bass lines in hip/hop tracks or harmonic pitch shifting tones in metal.

Furthermore Autotune is probably the most famous example for the actual productions.

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Mastering is the last and final process of a production.

In the modern era different platforms like Spotify, Tidal or Apple Music as well as hardware prints on CD require different formats like an DDP file or specific loudness adjustments.

Plugins and programs like Ozone 10 from iZotope and Wavelab Pro 11 from Steinberg deliver the opportunities to master tracks professional for specific kind of actions and goals.

Wavelab Pro 11
iZotope Ozone 10 Advanced (Multiband Compressor)
iZotope Ozone 10 Advanced (Imager)
Universal Audio Pulte Pro Equalizer
Universal Audio Manley Massiver Passive Equalizer
iZotope Insight 2 (Measurement tool)

I mastering tracks generally with the Apollo Twin X Quad and its DSP-technology plugins from Universal Audio. The warm analog sound of the interface combined with the modern imaging, maximizing and compressing tools of nowadays leading manufactures run into professional sounding results.

Synaesthesia (comp. & prod. by Dustin Weicht)Implications
00:00 / 01:00

Music Producer

"Whether independently or in a team, I always perform at one-hundred percent to deliver the best possible result for your project."

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© 2023 by Dustin Weicht |  Tel: 49 15112909830

Karlstraße 14, 58636 Iserlohn


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